Afghanistan soccer star Khalida Popal sits down with Judge Napolitano to discuss her life after the Taliban

Once a prominent Afghan soccer star whose goal was to usher the West in from the oppressive Taliban, she’s more than a decade removed from her previous life. But Khalida Popal has still never stopped speaking out. In the early years of the 2000s she was described as the most popular female player in the world and a Hollywood actress who had relationships with Omar Khadr, then a high-profile Guantanamo detainee, and Laurence Fishburne. Now, as many Taliban fighters seek sanctuary in other parts of the country from Kabul, the country they once ruled with an iron fist, Popal is a teacher, an activist, and the Afghan ambassador to Turkey.

Fox News spoke with Popal in Istanbul, where she is hosting a soccer-themed conference on girls’ education at the Sabanci Forum.

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Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down to talk about Popal’s journey. Click play to listen.

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